
This page outlines our responses to specific issues surrounding equality. A brief overview is mentioned with a detailed account of our actions within the linked documents in each section. Our Equalities policy can be found on our policies page.

Our existing anti-bullying group ‘Amicus’ offers student support and has a confidential email system in place with the address amicus@royallatin.org and students may also contact safeguarding@royallatin.org in the knowledge that only a qualified Designated Safeguarding Lead will be able to see what they have said.  A reorganisation of the Student Council will provide a strengthened student voice element to support us in further developing our student support.

Black Lives Matter

The Royal Latin School knows that we must acknowledge that racism exists across our country and in our society, including at school level, and in our school. The role secondary school has in shaping and educating young minds is critical to challenging the racism which exists in society, and we are aware that we still have much to do when it comes to addressing issues of racism and inequality in our own community.

At this time, it is not enough to watch as others take action. We all have a responsibility to speak out. We are currently working with BAME students past and present to address issues of racism, inequality and diversity in the school, and to fundamentally rethink and reflect on our own practice going forward.

For more information, please read: Black Lives Matter: RLS Responds

Everyone’s Invited

OFSTED have highlighted the growing concerns that in many schools there is a culture which permits sexual harassment, and implicitly accepts misogynistic behaviour. The Royal Latin School knows that we must acknowledge that such issues affect our own school community, and so we wanted to share with you some of what we are doing with regard to this difficult and important matter. We feel strongly that we need to educate and empower our young people to be able to recognise and call out inappropriate sexual behaviour, and also help them to feel confident in the support that they will get in this from school.

For more information, please read: Sexual Harassment in Schools: RLS Responds

  • teaching and learning

Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.